TUS – Tumamoc Hill

What separates a pilgrimage from an ordinary hike? Or, a better question: have we tied the act of participating in a pilgrimage with normalizing the body through exercise and “healthiness”? Is being an idealized, healthy, youthful body the real destination of the pilgrimage of exercise and, in turn, a form of biopower?

Tucson, Arizona (Buy)

“Buy. Buy More. And. Be Happy” or “You must! Because you can!” or Zizek’s “Obligatory jouissance”

El Centro, California (Cycle Opening)

Driving through the Imperial Valley of Southern California, I’m struck by the ways the landscape is in many ways analogous to the farmlands of Nebraska I grew up with. However, instead of rows of corn and soybeans, strawberries, kale, and heads of lettuce form a carpet varying shades of green–interrupted by the bleak and exposed […]